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Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Programs

Office Address

207 Main St.
Knightdale, NC 27545
Phone: 919-217-2232
Fax: 919-217-2239
Monday-Friday 8-5pm

Mailing Address

950 Steeple Square Ct.
Knightdale, NC 27545


The Department enhances the quality of life for citizens of Knightdale and Eastern Wake County by providing an experienced staff to plan, implement and manage a wide variety of passive, active and cultural opportunities. The Department strives to provide a system of parks, greenways, recreation facilities and open space areas which will ensure quality recreation opportunities for present and future citizens of Knightdale and Eastern Wake County.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Facilities and services are available to all without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. We support the full participation of people with disabilities alongside those without disabilities. Accommodations are provided on request.

Department Updates