One of the most important ways Knightdale staff carry out the vision of Knightdale's Comprehensive Plan, Water Allocation Policy and Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) is through reviews of proposed residential and non-residential developments.
Planners coordinate the timely review of development applications to ensure that proposed development meets the requirements and expectations of the Town. Staff work with developers and relevant state and county agencies to address issues of concern prior to approving plans.
Development Services staff oversee the following development and planning related processes:
- Site Plans
- Special Use Permits
- Administrative Appeals
- Variances
- Annexations
- Development & Street Name Approval
- Plat Review
- Zoning Map Amendments
- Planned Unit Developments
- Zoning Text Amendments
- Floodplain Development Permits
The information presented in the tabs below (click to expand) is meant to provide an introduction and overview of the development process in Knightdale. Please review this information against your proposed project to determine if it aligns with the Town's vision and goals. For assistance with a proposed project or prior to scheduling a pre-application conference, please submit a Development Inquiry.
Development in Knightdale typically falls into one of the following processes - administrative approval or legislative approval.
- Administrative permits and approvals are those that may be granted by the Administrator or Development Review Committee and do not require approval from the Town Council or Land Use Review Board. Proposed uses that are considered permitted by right in the corresponding zoning district will follow the administrative approval process.
- Legislative approvals (Conditional District, Planned Unit Development, General Rezonings) require approval by the Town Council. A rezoning request should be supported by and consistent with the KnightdaleNext V.2 2035 Comprehensive Plan, the Town’s official adopted statement for future development and conservation.
- To better understand submittal expectations and timelines for development in Knightdale, check out the general guidelines for the Administrative Approval Process and the Rezoning Process.
Compliance with the Town's adopted plans and ordinances is key to a successful project. While all Town plans are important to consider and follow, a few are highlighted below.
- When considering developing in Knightdale, one of the first elements to consider is KnightdaleNext V.2 2035 Comprehensive Plan, the Town’s official adopted statement for future development and conservation. Projects, especially those requiring legislative decisions, should be supported by and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
- The Unified Development Ordinance is used to fulfill the development goals and objectives of the adopted Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the UDO is to ensure projects are accountable for their impact on the environment, for the quality of its design, compatibility with neighbors, and to ensure availability of public facilities (water, sewer and transportation).
- The Comprehensive Transportation Plan includes a long-term vision for roadways, transit and bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Knightdale. The CTP informs transportation improvements required by development.
- The Water Allocation Policy is designed to promote economic development and incentivize smart growth practices based on the allocation of Knightdale’s potable water capacity.
- Affordable Knightdale focuses not only on affordable housing efforts, but also emphasizes the importance of inclusive and equitable growth. All development in Knightdale should strive to realize the Town's vision for an inclusive, livable, and affordable future.
- All Master Plans, including Conditional District and Planned Unit Development rezonings, Variances, Annexations, Special Use Permits, and Text Amendment applications must be submitted per the published Submittal Schedule. Meeting dates for DRC, Public Hearing, Land Use Review Board, and Town Council are determined based on the submittal date and outlined in the schedule.
- Sketch Plans and Construction Drawings are accepted on a rolling basis.
The Development Review Committee (DRC) is responsible for reviewing development plans to ensure adherence to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The DRC meets as needed on the second and fourth Thursday morning of each month at 8:30 a.m.
The DRC is charged with the following tasks:
- Approve or deny the preliminary plat or site plan.
- Recommend changes to the preliminary plat or site plan.
- Conditionally approve preliminary plats or site plans.
- Table the preliminary plat or site plan for further study or additional information.
- Forward the preliminary plat or site plan to the Town Council for further consideration.
The DRC is chaired by the Development Services Director and consists of the following additional members:
- Two Development Services Department Representatives
- Town Police Chief or Designee
- Town Fire Chief or Designee
- One Public Works Department Representative
- One Parks and Recreation Department Representative
- Town Engineer or Designee
- One City of Raleigh Public Utilities Representative
- Assistant Town Manager
- Town Manager
All development and land use applications are submitted through the GeoCivix (IDT) Online Review Portal. After plans are submitted, Development Services staff assigns them for review with the entire Development Review Committee, including applicable town departments and the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department.