The Town of Knightdale encourages public involvement and participation in stormwater management by participating in the Clean Water Education Partnership's Regional Creek Week, promoting NCDOTs statewide Litter Sweep Program and local NCSU workshops, and hosting local litter sweeps here in Town.
Creek Week

The Clean Water Education Partnership's annual creek week is designed to engage the public on the importance of clean and healthy waterways. The Town promotes CWEP activities across the state, and host various events here in Town. More information regarding CWEP and their Regional Creek Week can be found here: CWEP Regional Creek Week 2024 | Water Connects Us – Clean Water Education Partnership (CWEP) (
The Town of Knightdale and the Wake County Public Libraries, in conjunction with the regional Clean Water Education Partnership (CWEP) Creek Week 2025, present a StoryWalk for elementary aged children. The StoryWalk will run from March 10 through April 22. We hope you'll bring your kids out to enjoy it!

The Town of Knightdale, in conjunction with CWEP Creek Week 2025, is bringing the shred truck back as a part of Creek Week 2025! Gather up those sensitive documents that need to be safely shredded and disposed of, and bring them to Knightdale Station Park on Saturday, April 22, from 9 am until noon (or until the truck is full). Get there early!

We need your help keeping #Knightdale beautiful! Join us for a town litter sweep that's happening during Creek Week! On Saturday, March 22nd, from 9 am to 11 am, we will meet at the stage in Knightdale Station Park, where staff will provide gloves, vest, and equipment before we get started. More information can be found in the sign-up link below.
Please note that registration is required for this event.

Calling all butterfly enthusiasts, bee lovers, and hummingbird haven creators! In conjunction with #CreekWeek Knightdale is hosting a pollinator bush giveaway you won’t want to miss— We will be providing free 1-gallon pollinator-friendly bushes that will be a perfect addition to any beautiful and eco-friendly garden. The event will run from 9:00am – 11:00am on Saturday March 22nd and will be located near the Veterans Memorial at Knightdale Station Park.
NCDOT Litter Sweeps
Traditionally scheduled for the last two weeks of April and September, Litter Sweep is the N.C. Department of Transportation’s biannual statewide roadside litter removal initiative. Residents throughout the state participate in local efforts to help clean up North Carolina's roadways. For more information on the event and how to register, please visit NCDOTs website NCDOT: Litter Sweep
Town Litter Sweeps
The Town host annual litter sweeps to help promote public awareness of litter and its impact to stormwater and our drainage systems. Keep an eye on the Towns event calendar and social media for upcoming events.