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Organizational Performance Management

Measuring performance provides a quantifiable way in which to recognize successes and areas needing improvement. Performance measures offer transparency and allow the citizens to hold public agencies accountable. 

“Performance management includes identifying, collecting, analyzing, and reporting on indicators that show how well the organization performs, both internally and in the delivery of services to the public, and how that performance compares with its targets or with peer organizations. More importantly, as a management tool, performance data is intended not as an end result, but rather as a means to more informed decision making and a more engaged. community.”
 -International City County Management Association (ICMA)

The Knightdale Strategic Plan’s purpose is to clearly communicate the message of “who we are and what we want our Town to be in the future.” It is built around five, essential priority areas (or Focus Areas) that are crucial to ensuring Knightdale’s future. They were established after robust input from internal and external stakeholders of the Town. The following Focus Areas serve as the foundation for service delivery decisions, capital investments, and other initiatives: 

Focal Areas

The strategic plan is designed to be a living document to ensure Knightdale’s future. As such, it is the starting point for all decisions of the Town Council. The Council’s primary responsibility is to improve the quality of life for its citizens and the plan provides the roadmap to reach this destination. Quality of life is augmented through two primary areas: service delivery and capital investments. The Annual Implementation Plan outlines the capital investments and other initiatives that the Town Council will accomplish in the current fiscal year. These investments are identified, prioritized, and mutually agreed upon during the Council’s annual retreat. Each investment is adopted as a component of the annual budget through a Capital Improvements Program (CIP).

The Annual Performance Management Report demonstrates what the Town is doing to achieve the Focus Areas’ objectives as viewed through a service delivery lens. This report provides insight into service delivery efficiency and effectiveness. Performance management provides the Town Manager the necessary data to routinely monitor service performance. The data also provides insight into areas of needed improvement and/or additional investment(s) to ensure citizen satisfaction. Over time, the Administration Department will be able to provide comparisons to our past performance and set targets for our future performance.

FY24 Annual Performance Management Report

View FY24 Annual Performance Management Report