Thank you for choosing the Town of Knightdale as the home for your new business. The Development Services Department is able to assist you throughout the entire process, whether you are relocating, expanding, or starting a new business!
All new businesses must receive a Zoning Compliance Permit before operating in either Knightdale Town Limits or ETJ. This permit review process identifies what businesses are in the community and confirms the space you are leasing is compatible with your proposed land/business use (zoning district, parking, additional standards, etc.). A zoning compliance permit should be applied for prior to signing a lease to confirm you are in compliance.
Please be aware that additional federal, state and local permits and licenses may also be required depending on the nature of your new business.
For all business owners who wish to lease a space in an existing building, there are several steps that need to occur before you open your doors for business.
- Determine if your business is allowed in your desired location. Excellent resources to begin your research are Wake County iMAPs and the Town of Knightdale Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). To determine if your business would be permitted at the desired location, use iMAPs to determine the zoning of the property and then cross reference the zoning with the UDO's Use Matrix in Section 3.1.C.
- Once you have determined that the use is permitted, submit a Zoning Compliance Permit application for review and approval.
- Depending on the use, modifications to the tenant space may be required and you would need to apply for a building permit. If you desire to make changes to the exterior of the site, contact the Development Services Department to discuss those modifications and determine what approval process is required.
- If your business would like either an exterior wall sign or a monument sign, please visit the Sign Permit page for additional information on the permitting process and applicable ordinances.
If you are looking to start a home based business, it is necessary to determine whether or not your particular use is permitted as a home occupation. Examples of permitted home occupations include: professional services, workshops, sewing, music instruction, or similar uses. The following types of uses are prohibited: vehicle repair, service or sales, animal services, theaters, massage, storage, manufacturing, or fabrication. If you need assistance determining if your proposed home business is permissible, please contact the Town of Knightdale Development Services Department.
If permissible, follow the steps below.
- Ensure your home occupation meets all required Additional Standards outlined in the Unified Development Ordinance Ch. 5.
- The home occupation must be clearly incidental to the residential use of the dwelling
- No more than one (1) person who is not a resident of the dwelling may be employed
- Permitted hours of operation are 7 am to 9 pm
- No visible outside display of stock in trade is permitted
- No outdoor storage or visible evidence of equipment or materials used in the home occupation
- Operation of the home occupation shall not be visible from any residence on an adjacent lot, nor off-site view from a public street.
- No commercial vehicles in connection with the home occupation are permitted on the subject site
- No mechanical, electrical, or other equipment which produces noise, electrical or magnetic interference, vibration, heat, glare, or other nuisances outside the dwelling or accessory structure are permitted
- Signage is limited to one (1) wall sign with a maximum sign area of two (2) square feet.
- Clients should not be drawn to the dwelling on a regular basis
- Check with the property owner, property manager or Homeowners' Association (HOA) to determine if they will allow you to operate a home occupation from your residence.
- Check to see if your proposed home occupation is regulated by other local, state or federal agencies as necessary, in addition to the Town of Knightdale.
- Submit a Zoning Compliance Permit-Home Occupation application for review and approval and demonstrate how the use complies with required additional standards
If you're interested in constructing a new building for your business, additional steps are required. The Town's ordinance contains requirements for new development, including parking, landscaping, lighting, architectural design, road improvements, or other site improvements. Certain properties may need to be rezoned in order to operate a business.
Please reach out to one of the Senior Planners at 919-217-2245 or 919-217-2243 for additional information.
Family care homes are facilities that provide health, counseling, or related services to a small number of persons in a family type of environment. If you are looking to operate a family care home, there are several steps you must follow to obtain zoning approval.
In accordance with NC General Statute §160D-907, a family care home must meet the following requirements:
- Location: A family care home may not be located within a one‑half (0.5) mile radius of an existing family care home (measured by property lines).
- Use this map to see if a family care home can be established in the desired location
- Number of Residents: Not to exceed six (6) residents
- Services: Support and supervisory personnel that provides room and board, personal care, and habilitation services in a family environment for persons with disabilities
- Person with disabilities: A person with a temporary or permanent physical, emotional, or mental disability, including, but not limited to, an intellectual or other developmental disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, hearing and sight impairments, emotional disturbances, and orthopedic impairments but not including persons with a mental illness who are dangerous to others as defined in G.S. 122C‑3(11)b.
Next Steps:
- Contact the Development Services Department if you need any assistance determining if a location is available to establish a family care home.
- If the location is available, submit a Zoning Compliance Permit-Family Care Home application for review and approval and demonstrate how the use complies with required additional standards.
Submit your zoning compliance permit applications via the GeoCivix (IDT) Online Review Portal.