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Rezoning Process

The scope of a rezoning application is to request a change in the district boundaries or district classifications of the Zoning Map. A rezoning request should be supported by and consistent with the KnightdaleNext 2035 Comprehensive Plan, the Town’s official adopted statement for future development and conservation. Rezoning requests are reviewed by the Land Use Review Board and approved by the Town Council.

*Please note that this is a general guideline for General, Conditional District, and Planned Unit Development rezonings, but the process can vary depending on the type of rezoning application that is submitted*


Step 1: Preliminary Meeting

Prior to scheduling a preliminary meeting with staff, please submit a Development Inquiry. Following review of this inquiry, Development Services staff will contact you to schedule a meeting.

Step 2: Sketch Plan Submittal

This application can be submitted at any time and does not follow a submittal schedule. For a list of submittal requirements, see UDO Section 12.3.D.

Step 3: Traffic Impact Analysis (If Applicable)

For more information, see UDO Section 12.3.J or contact the Project Manager.

Step 4: Neighborhood Meeting

Must receive approval from Town staff to schedule. Coordinate the meeting date, time, and location with staff, as staff will attend. Applicant must fill out and mail the Adjacent Property Owner Notification letter. 

Step 5: Pre-Application Meeting

The pre-application meeting takes place in accordance with the Submittal Schedule. The purpose of this meeting is to ensure all submittal requirements have been met and that the project is ready to move forward.  

Step 6: Rezoning & Master Plan Applications Submittal

The applications must be submitted according to the Submittal Schedule. For a list of plan submittal requirements, see UDO Section 12.3.F. Other required information may include a copy of the Wake County Public Schools Residential Development Notification and Traffic Impact Analysis.

Step 7: Staff Review

Staff reviews the application and sends comments back to the applicant.

Step 8: Development Review Committee Meeting

The DRC meets with the applicant to discuss plan review comments. The meeting date is determine by the Submittal Schedule. The DRC does not take a vote until the Town Council takes action on the case.

Step 9: Resubmittal of Corrected Plans

As applicable, the applicant resubmits revised plans according to the Submittal Schedule. Staff determines the completeness of the resubmittal, and then the case is added to the meeting agenda.

Step 10: Public Hearing

The Town Council and Land Use Review Board hold a Joint Public Hearing for the rezoning case. The Town Council can vote to continue the Public Hearing or vote to the forward the case to the Land Use Review Board. Before the Public Hearing, Town staff mails notification letters to surrounding property owners in accordance with NC General Statute requirements. 

Step 11: Land Use Review Board Recommendation

The Land Use Review Board hears the case and makes a recommendation to the Town Council.

Step 12: Town Council Decision

The Town Council is able to take final action on the rezoning request.

Next Steps: 

Refer to the Administrative Approval Process, starting with Step 8.