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Transportation Planning

Safety Action Plan

The Town was awarded a USDOT Safe Streets for All grant to develop a transportation Safety Action Plan. The plan was developed with broad public outreach and through internal stakeholders on the Town's Vision Zero Task Force. The Town Council adopted the Safety Action Plan on December 18, 2024. The plan includes a comprehensive look at crash data, potential safety projects, future speed limit reductions and roundabout design and feasibility analysis. The next steps are to gradually implement the safety recommendations identified in the plan and continue monitoring safety data.

ShiftKnightdale: Comprehensive Transportation Plan

The Town’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) presents a long-term vision for roadways, transit and bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Knightdale.  The plan was developed over a year long process which included extensive public and stakeholder outreach. The Town of Knightdale adopted the CTP on November 16, 2022. The CTP will guide the Town in pursuing projects to implement the long-term transportation vision.


GoRaleigh bus route #33 serves the Town of Knightdale. The route operates hourly between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on weekdays and weekends. The route connects the Town of Knightdale to the City of Raleigh primarily via Knightdale Boulevard with deviations to downtown Knightdale and other community destinations.  The route also connects to Wake Tech East in Wendell on weekdays. For more information on the route location, bus stops and fares, please visit the GoRaleigh website for route 33.

The Town partners with Wake County, the Town of Wendell and the Town of Zebulon to provide the Northeast SmartRide microtransit service.   The free weekday service allows the community to take on-demand van service within Knightdale and between the three towns.   For more information, please visit Wake County's website for the Northeast SmartRide.  


Public and private trails exist throughout the Town of Knightdale. Some trails are internal to residential neighborhood subdivisions while others are part of the regional trail network vision. The Mingo Creek Greenway is the primary regional greenway in the Town of Knightdale. The Mingo Creek Greenway runs for approximately 3.5 miles between the Neuse River Greenway to the west and Mingo Creek Park in the east.  For a map of the existing Mingo Creek Greenway, please visit the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Programs Department website.

Regional Transportation Planning

The Town of Knightdale participates in federally mandated regional transportation planning as a member of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO). CAMPO works with NCDOT, transit operators and local governments in the Raleigh Urbanized Area to conduct short and long range regional transportation planning for the region. For more information on regional transportation planning, please visit CAMPO’s website.


Old Knight and Knightdale Boulevard Pedestrian Improvement Project

The Town is currently designing sidewalk and crosswalk improvements at select locations along Knightdale Boulevard and Old Knight Road. For more information on the specific locations and overall schedule, please visit the project page.

Mingo Creek Greenway Extension

The Town is currently constructing an extension of the Mingo Creek Greenway between the current eastern terminus at Mingo Creek Park and the Sycamore Street intersection of N. First Avenue in downtown (Knightdale Station Park). Construction is anticipated to be completed in March of 2025.  A public ribbon cutting event is scheduled for Thursday, March 13th at 5:30 pm at Knightdale Station Park @ Sycamore Street.