The Knightdale Fire Department responds to calls for service out of four stations. Members respond to calls for service in three engines, one ladder truck and one Battalion Chief. The fire division currently runs just over 4,000 calls for service annually.
The insurance rating for the Town of Knightdale is determined by the North Carolina Department of Insurance, Office of State Fire Marshal’s Public Protection Rating Program. This program is based on the principle provider of insurance underwriting, rating and statistical information to the insurance industry in the United States (Insurance Services Office –ISO). One of the key information elements that insurers use in the underwriting and rating process for property insurance policies is ISO's classification of a jurisdiction's fire protection delivery system. Information regarding the fire department, water supply, fire alarm system, and fire protection area boundaries are critical to insurers providing insurance coverage to citizens of a community. The Town of Knightdale Fire Department is currently rated a protection of 2. For more information on this process please refer, to the North Carolina Response Rating System.
Engine 131
2024 Pierce Enforcer Engine: 1500 GPM pump, 750 gallon tank. This Engine responds out of Station 1 and serves the downtown area of Knightdale. This unit responded to 1,022 calls in 2024.

Engine 132
2024 Pierce Enforcer Engine: 1500 GPM pump, 750 gallon tank. This Engine responds out of Station 2 and serves the commercial district of Knightdale. This unit responded to 1,032 calls in 2024.

Squad 133
2017 Spartan Metrostar Engine: 1250 GPM pump, 750 gallon tank. This Engine responds out of Station 3 and serves the Alert Fire District which is the suburban community just south of the town limits of Knightdale. This unit responded to 1,080 calls in 2024.

Ladder 13
2021 Pierce Ascendant: 107 FT Aerial, 1500 GPM pump, 500 gallon tank. This unit responds out of Station 2. Ladder 13 is a specialized unit that provides not only an aerial ladder but provides a vast complement of vehicle extrication tools, life safety rope, and various power hand tools for access into structures. This unit responds as a service company to every motor vehicle accident and structure-related call in the Knightdale Fire District. This unit responded to 1,210 calls in 2024.

Battalion 1
2020 Ford F-250. This unit responds out of Station 2. There are three battalion chiefs, and they act as a shift supervisor for each of the three shifts. They respond and take command at major incidents such as: motor vehicle accidents, structure fires, or any technical rescue call in the Knightdale Fire District. This unit responded to 619 calls in 2024.

Rescue 13
2008 Spartan Metro Star/Hackney Rescue Truck. This unit is cross-staffed by the personnel of E131 at Station 1 and responds to technical rescue incidents as its requested.

Tanker 2
2005 KME/International Tanker : 500 GPM, 1800 gallon tank. This unit responds out of Station 2 and is cross-staffed by personnel from E132. This unit responds to areas where there are no fire hydrants, and hauls water onto the scene from nearby water sources.

Tanker 3
2023 Pierce/Freightliner Tanker: 750 GPM, 2000 gallon tank. This unit responds out of Station 3 and is cross-staffed with personnel from E133. This unit responds to areas with no fire hydrants and hauls water to the scene from nearby water sources.

Brush 2
2020 Ford F-350 Brush Truck: 300 gallon tank. This unit responds out of Station 2 and is cross-staffed by the personnel of Ladder 13. This unit responds to any kind of outside brush or trash fire where accessibility is difficult.

Utility 3 & ATV 1
Both of these units respond out of Station 3 and are cross-staffed by the personnel of E133. They will respond to incidents on the various greenways and trails that are located in the Knightdale Fire District. ATV 1 is outfitted with a foam pump to mitigate small fires in areas where accessibility is difficult. It also has medical equipment to treat injured patients and transport them to the nearest roadway for EMS transport.

We currently have two new units on order. This order includes one rescue engine and one tiller ladder.
Mission Statement
“To build partnership with the community in an effort to provide fire suppression and prevention in order to promote safety and security to all those who live, work and visit.”