Project Overview
The Town is in the process of designing and constructing pedestrian improvements along Knightdale Boulevard and Old Knight Road. The project is part of a Community Funding Area Program transit grant awarded to the Town. The funding program is part of the Wake County transit sales tax program administered by GoTriangle and the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. The project is designed to improve access to GoRaleigh Bus Route #33 through filling in crosswalk and sidewalk gaps where the route operates along Knightdale Boulevard and Old Knight Road.
Phase 1 – Design (2024)
The first phase of the grant is to design the following crosswalk and sidewalk improvements:
- Crosswalk across Knightdale Boulevard at Hinton Oaks Boulevard (east leg of intersection)
- Crosswalk across Knightdale Boulevard at Bozeman Drive / Parkside Commons Drive (east leg of intersection)
- Crosswalks across Knightdale Boulevard at N. 1st Avenue / Old Knight Road (east and north legs of intersection)
- Sidewalk gaps along Old Knight Road between Forestville Road and Knightdale Boulevard (west side of Old Knight Road)
- Sidewalk gaps along Knightdale Boulevard between Old Knight Road and Forest Drive (north side of Knightdale Boulevard)
Phase 2 – Construction (2025 & beyond)
The Community Funding Area Program funding award will allow for the Hinton Oaks Boulevard and N. 1st Avenue/Old Knight Road crosswalks to be bid for construction at the end of 2024. The design for the additional crosswalk and sidewalk gap projects will allow the Town to be competitive for future grants to construct those projects. The crosswalks construction is anticipated to occur between March - June of 2025.